Now that the finalists have been chosen for the 2013 Maine Readers' Choice Award, it's time to start accumulating a list of worthy entrants for the next round. I'm paying close attention to what books are generating significant buzz in print and online. It's a challenge but I'm loving it. One that I've suggested to our committee is The Dinner by Dutch author Herman Koch, a disturbing novel about a hideous crime, sibling rivalry, and family secrets.
However, another book that has caught my attention because it seems to be everywhere is Claire Messud's The Woman Upstairs. While I'm not that far into the book, I have to pause to comment on a particular phrase the author uses. The author describes a maple tree "ruffled against the spotless 9/11 sky..." I'm not exactly sure why, but reading this caused me to pause and think. Was it because it's so hard to forget just how clear and blue the sky was that horrible day? Was it because using "9/11" seemed to trivialize that horror? Or, was it because "9/11" is such a part of our national psyche that we instantly identify with any reference to that day? I would say that my reaction to it was a combination of all three. No matter what, it does what a good book should do - catch your attention and make you pause and think.
As I said, I haven't made much progress in reading this book, but I'm beginning to understand the attention being showered upon it. I'm seriously thinking that this will make the list of recommended reads for our committee.