When my local library building, a gift from Kennebunk resident George Parsons, was dedicated back in August of 1907, the local newspaper had the foresight to publish the speeches of the very wise men who spoke at the dedication. In a series of posts, I'd like to share with you what was said about the importance of libraries back then. Much of it is still very true today.
The first to speak was Mr. Walter L. Dane, the president of the Free Library Association of Kennebunk. In his introduction, he said: "A little less than a year ago a few of us assembled at the lot yonder to place the corner stone of the new Library Building with very simple ceremony. We are met here today in accordance with the promise then made to formally accept this beautiful gift, and to dedicate it to the uses for which it has been erected; and to express so far as words are adequate our sense of obligation to the giver.
Every public benefaction, like every public work, depends for its success, for its full fruition, upon the interest and co-operation of the community where it is placed.
I fully believe that your presence in such goodly numbers shows not alone your appreciation of this beautiful gift, but quite as much your intention and desire to co-operate earnestly in all the efforts which will be made to render it a means of great usefulness and benefit to this community.
And so I am privileged to heartily welcome you here both on behalf of the giver and the Association in whose keeping it is at present placed. ..
...The location seems to be a favored one from every standpoint, being ... in the very center of the village...And now friends, I have no hesitation in again welcoming you cordially on behalf of those who have so faithfully worked to this end for I am sure you are and will be ready and glad to respond to your share of this work which must make for the broader culture and larger life of this town and which has received so great an impetus today..." (York County Coast Star, August 2, 1907)
What's nice to be able to say is that this library is very healthy today and a wonderful literary and community center for the town.
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