She said her husband or boyfriend thought it might be her alternator. She said the car had just stopped cold and she couldn't get anything started. The only way I could help was to start directing traffic. First a fire truck drove by returning to the station. Then an ambulance went by. I didn't expect them to stop and help, but they could have called for help. Instead, people just gave us dirty looks and one guy hollered something about why didn't she put her flashers on. Excuse me? Um, her car had completely broken down. I really doubt that she chose to break down at all, let alone in the middle of the intersection. Someone she knew did happen to drive by and tried jumping the car. It seemed to help. Of course, that's when the police finally showed up. So, I just left. Hope the rest of her day went better.
I'm not even going to start on the rude tourists from Connecticut.....
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